

From Sicily to Hollywood

This is a series of portraits (charcoals/chalks/pencils) of great protagonists of American cinema, all sharing Sicilian origins. I combined my great passion for American Cinema with my land of origin, deepening my knowledge of these great artists and also in a certain way of my own roots. One of the qualities of portraiture is that it allows us, at least for a few moments, to “get in tune” with the character portrayed and, perhaps, through a stolen glance, to grasp something more “from >BEING AN ARTIST“.

Works purchased by private buyer

My Cult   70 - 80

My Cult 70-80 represents my intention to “capture on paper” some strong points of comedy that are part of my background. I grew up with these actors, I laughed and savored an Italian Comedy Cinema made of great masks, from light and non-light stories, from directors who are often courageous and in a certain sense visionary. It is perhaps a collection for “niche amateurs” but at the same time it reiterates the weight and importance that a certain Cinema, certainly unrepeatable, has had for our customs. After their exhibition, some of these drawings, to my great surprise, were purchased by younger collectors, underlining the fact that the subjects represented are now part of ALL of us!

Works purchased by private buyer

The Cinema of Martin Scorsese

The idea for this cycle of drawings was born during a rainy Sunday, forced to bed by the flu, I watched the film “Goodfellas” for the umpteenth time. From there the desire to reproduce the faces that were part of the masterpieces directed by the great Martin Scorsese was born. They are scenes and faces that are now part of the collective imagination, yes…. they are part of us!. Most of these characters come from the street, from a ring, from the Bronx, from a rock concert… …so what better drawing technique to use than a “noir” effect where the faces emerge from a shadow made of loneliness, anger or crime?. It’s a tribute to a great director, to great actors,… it’s a tribute to CINEMA!

"Casa del Cinema" Rome

The cycle of drawings “The Cinema of Martin Scorsese” had the pleasure and satisfaction of being exhibited at La Casa del Cinema – Rome, Villa Borghese. It was an honor for me to have been able to make my works known in a context so inherent to the theme of the collection itself and above all, it was an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with personalities and artists who are part of Italian Cinema. Despite the interruption due to the recent pandemic, the exhibition resumed in the post-covid period, also representing for the undersigned a sort of restart and impulse to continue to propose these subjects, thanks and above all to the approval of the visitors and last but not least, the great availability of the organizers.

Further information on the white chalk technique

The use of the “negative” technique (as I like to define it) which I have used starting from the cycle of drawings “The Cinema of Martin Scorsese”, represents for me the most immediate, functionally representative method for such “noir” subjects. I began to develop this type of drawing with chalk and white pencils to give vent to white shapes on a dark support, shapes and subjects that seem to be born and come out of a dangerous world, made of shadows,…mysterious. By drawing in negative, you create bright lights that describe the curvature of a dark object, or white shapes that are defined by their shadows.


Works created for the presentation party of the film “Amici come prima”, reunion of the Boldi-De Sica couple!. – 50×70 Charcoals and pencils on cardboard support

private Collection

A privilege to know and portray one of the great Divas of Italian Cinema, the unique Stefania Sandrelli!!!. The first drawing is inspired by the great interpretation in “Seduced and Abandoned” while with the second I wanted to show the viewer the more human and intimate side of this great interpreter. – 50×70 Charcoals and pencils on cardboard support

private Collection

The upturned quiff is his distinctive trait, but he is capable of transforming himself in a second (literally!) into any character… the only Arturo Brachetti! – 35×50 white chalks on black support

private Collection

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